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Janitors are often the behind-the-scenes heroes of facility maintenance, keeping everything clean, stocked, and sanitized. They support health and safety and hygiene and they’re often responsible for visitors’ first impression of your building.

In a study conducted between 2021 and 2022, 49 per cent of facility managers confirmed that their janitorial team is in-house, rather than outsourced. Showing your team they are valued and supported is crucial to employee satisfaction and productivity. Happier and more engaged workers can lead to 23 per cent higher profits. It’s not just about pay raises, either. Keep your janitorial team happy and supported, so they know the crucial role they play in your building’s maintenance.

Here are some of the ways you can take care of these important staff members by setting them up for success.

Prepare for emergencies

Emergencies happen, and you need to be equipped to handle them swiftly and efficiently. Be sure that your staff has clear instructions for when the unexpected arises, including access to first aid kits, defibrillators, and clean-up supplies for accidents or spills. While this may fall outside your janitorial team’s job description, they are often the first call when the unexpected arises, so get them prepared for whatever happens.

Stock up on supplies

Prioritize your supply inventory. Mitigate your slip and fall risk by being fully stocked on items like wet floor signs. Stay on top of sanitization needs with hand sanitizers, disposable gloves in a range of sizes, and anti-bacterial cleaning products. And don’t forget staff safety, too. Are they exposed to flammable or dangerous chemicals? Get your staff outfitted and equipped with everything they need to do their jobs safely.

Make the job easier

Make it easy for your team to get the job done. If multiple closets are needed, if cleaning carts make sense, if a blower fan would help dry wet floors faster, make those adjustments. Not sure what they need? Ask them! With their input, your janitorial staff will know they’re valued, and you’ll be able to increase efficiency and productivity.

When your janitorial staff succeeds in maintaining your building to the best of their ability, your whole business wins.

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