Case Studies

The Supply Savant™ order management system — backed by the acclaimed service and support of American Paper & Supply Company (APSCO) — has brought new levels of efficiency and economy to a wide range of customers.

If you’re ready to save time and money, while taking the stress out of your entire supply-ordering process, join customers like these and apply for a Supply Savant™ account today.

Supply Savant Case Study - LibraryCustomer Report: Implementation of Supply Savant™ online order management system for their numerous locations (60) has eliminated ordering errors and makes certain that only pre-approved products are being delivered to all.

Supply Savant Case Study - SchoolCustomer Report: Since introducing Supply Savant™, customer has saved 4+ hours per month of labor (administrative labor) to put together 10 orders. This time used to be spent comparing pricing, preparing RFPs, reviewing pricing, preparing POs by hand, and monitoring/managing all of the above. In the period of time during which this previous process was underway, they would sometimes  run out of supplies…They state that they cannot begin to put a monetary value on the fact that this simply no longer happens.

Supply Savant Case Study - CityBackground

Customer had experienced several operational and budgetary issues due to an inconsistent ordering process and, as such, was lacking the ability to track what supply order was being placed by each location. APSCO worked closely with the company’s Director of Property Management to create an overall ordering process and procedure.

Current Issues

First, customer needed to gain back control. Prior to the company seeking the assistance of APSCO, the Superintendent of each property had free range to order whatever supplies they deemed necessary. These orders were submitted via email, phone, text and often resulted in communication errors and orders which were fulfilled incorrectly.

Second, customer needed to develop an online management process that went beyond the basic ordering of supplies.


Customer’s ordering process now fully under control and fully automated via Supply Savant™, which includes:

  • customization of shopping lists by ship-to location
  • ship-to specific item notes to be used for GL coding and to assist with identifying items (bulbs & ballasts in this case)
  • ability to track and quickly retain MSDS/SDS/GHS documents
  • capacity to view order status in “real time” online
  • budgeting controls by ship-to location and product category
  • advance shipping notices (ASNs) to be emailed to specified properties the night before delivery
  • ability to view or print past orders, invoices, PODs and statements
  • statements sorted by ship-to location
  • ability to export statements and order details into an Excel file; order approvals prior to final submission

Now fully integrated, the company’s Supply Savant™ account leverages technology to centralize the ordering process, thereby controlling their budget by tracking the spend from building to building and extracting meaningful “soft-dollar” savings along the way.

Note: Some case studies above refer to APSCO order management technology before its branding under the Supply Savant™ trade name.